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Conservation Commission Minutes 2009/07/08
Sunapee Conservation Commission Minutes Meeting Date July 8, 2009
Present: Van Webb, Tim Fleury, Bruce Burdett, Roger Whitaker, Robert Hill, Rem Mastin, Lela Emery.
Bruce Burdett made the motion to accept the minutes of 5/6/09 as written. The motion was seconded by Robert Hill. All in Favor 7, Opposed 0
Robert Hill made the motion to accept the minutes of 6/09 as written. The motion was seconded by Tim Fleury. All in Favor 7, Opposed 0
Rem Mastin wrote an article which appeared in the Intertown Record that the 5 acre Sunapee Center could be used as a Town Office.
Skoglund - 111 Hamel Rd, SCC has received additional mail (Pinato) regarding the project. Letter with testimony that the project bounds are ok has been received. A letter also received from the Mt View Lake Protection Association regarding the impact of this project on the lake. Letters on File.
DES Approval for NH DOT with conditions. NH Rt 11 Sunapee unnamed stream. SCC no action required.
DES Request for more information for Robert Krieger 10 Ridgewood Point Sunapee, Tax/lot 113/33. SCC no action required.
DES Approval for Shore land Impact Permit for Stephen and Susan Battreall at 608 Edgemont Road, Sunapee with conditions. SCC no action required.
DES Approval for wetland and non-site specific permit for Kenneth & Cheryl Starkey, 95 Lake Ave, Sunapee. SCC no action required.
DES Approval for Shore Land Impact permit for Margaret Chalmers, 128 Garnet St, Sunapee. SCC no action required.
DES Completed Forestry Notification for Notification of Forest Management or Timber Harvest Activities having minimum Wetlands Impact. Tax map/Lot 231/16 for John Augustine of Sunapee.  SCC no action required.
Cooper Street Partners LLC - SCC has reviewed a new version of the revised proposal on the development project on Rt 11 Sunapee, for Cooper Street Partners LLC. The State has 11 concerns on this project. SCC no action required.
Master Plan update- SCC participated in a survey. There are 8 categories to divide your 100 points over to flag parcels that have potential of being preserved under the criteria set up with the 8 criteria. The idea is that the land of Sunapee would be assessed using this type of system to help the town decide what areas need protecting and which areas would be the best for development and growth. This was just an exercise to show one approach of assessing the town’s natural resources. SCC members felt that the 8 criteria used were vague and that the data gathered was very limited as only SCC members and the Planning Board participated in the survey. There is a new IRS code stating that land donations are tax deductible. SCC would like to use a case by case approach. SCC will review the management of town properties and will also incorporate how we can use the 8 criteria in measuring. SCC will analyze the basics first of what has been submitted and weigh some of the resources. SCC will also make sure that the master plan has parcels listed, Northwest Corner, Wendal Marsh to Sleeper Road, Mud pond to Blueberry Mtn. SCC will focus on conserving land. Our chapter for the master plan is in draft form and will be emailed to all by Van. Tim Fleury made the motion to amend the contract with UVLSRPC to expire 8/31/09. Bruce Burdett seconded. All in favor 6, opposed 0, abstained 1.             
 Gore Lot – review potential and best way to protect parcel. Hold informational meetings, hearing and out reach to the public. Clean up boundary line and trail. Go to Select Board in October. ASLPT could provide a service of doing the write away work.
Perambulator Town Boundaries – Fred Gallup heads up the efforts. Historically Select Board does this procedure. Town property lines are walked with simultaneously with a member present from each town the property line covers. For Sunapee we abut Newport and New London. This process is done very 7 years. This needs to be addressed for the Town. Sunapee is looking for an individual or group to over see the process. SCC suggested contributing funds towards the services. More to come.